
Vincent Gautrais


Vincent Gautrais is a Full Professor at the Université de Montréal's Faculty of Law, as well as the director of the Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP). On June 1st 2015, he was appointed Chairholder of the L.R. Wilson Chair in Information Technology and E-Commerce Law.  He teaches several courses in information technology law and business law. Since 1992, he has been doing research, writing books and articles, giving conferences on Electronic Business Law, Electronic Contracts, Cyber-consumption, Network Security, Dispute Resolution by and for the Internet, Intellectual Property and Privacy.

From June 1st, 2005 to May 31th, 2015, he has held the Université de Montréal Excellency Chair in Security and Internet Law. Prior to teaching at the University of Montréal, he was a Professor in the common law section at the University of Ottawa. He holds Licence and Master’s degrees from the Université de Rennes 1 in France and LLD, LLM and LLB degrees from the University of Montréal. His doctoral thesis was published in 2002 by Bruylant (Brussels), and is entitled “Le contrat électronique international”. Vincent Gautrais is also a lawyer, member of the Barreau du Québec.

More informations www.gautrais.com.



Céline Castets-Renard Membre du comité scientifique, Chaire L.R. Wilson / Membre junior de l'Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) / Directrice adjointe de l'IRDEIC, Centre d'Excellence Jean Monnet
Patrick Gingras Directeur, Direction de la transformation organisationnelle de la Justice, Ministère de la Justice du Québec
Éloïse Gratton Associée, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt / Chargée de cours, Faculté de droit de l'Université de Montréal
Florian Martin-Bariteau Assistant Professor, Common Law Section, University of Ottawa / Director, Centre for Law, Technology and Society, University of Ottawa / / Coordinator, L.R. Wilson Chair + OpenUM (2012-2016)
Joel Reidenberg Membre du comité scientifique, Chaire L.R. Wilson / Stanley D. and Nikki Waxberg Chair and Professor of Law / Founding Academic Director, Center on Law and Information Policy Fordham University
Pierre Trudel Professeur titulaire, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal
Nicolas Vermeys Professeur agrégé, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal / Directeur adjoint, Laboratoire de Cyberjustice / Directeur, Centre de recherche en droit public

Research Team



Virginie Jetté Coordonnatrice, OpenUM et Chaire LR Wilson (2016-2017) / Relations utilisateurs et développement, OpenUM (2015-2017)
Youcef Belrachid LPC.quebec (2015)
Marie-Andrée Boutin-Clermont OpenUM (2015)
Loic de Laubier OpenUM (2014-2015)
Katherine Gauthier LPC.quebec (2015)
Philippe Lachance Assistant de recherche, Cybersanté (2015)
Louise Lambert Relations utilisateurs, OpenUM / Éditrice, Droitdu.net, LesConferences.ca (2016-2017)
Florian Martin-Bariteau Assistant Professor, Common Law Section, University of Ottawa / Director, Centre for Law, Technology and Society, University of Ottawa / / Coordinator, L.R. Wilson Chair + OpenUM (2012-2016)
Émilie Mouchard Normes informelles (2015)
Louis Poissant-Lespérance Assistant de recherche, LPC.québec (2015-…)
Marie-Christine Robert Relations utilisateurs, OpenUM / Éditrice, Droitdu.net et LCCJTI.ca (2014-2016)
Zila Savary LPC.quebec (2015)
Karima Smouk Assistante, OpenUM (2015)
Cristiano Therrien Assistant de recherche, Education 2.0 (2015)