Management Committee

In accordance with the Statutes, the Chair is administered by a Management Committee, which duties include approving the Chair's research program (which is elaborated by the Scientific Committee) and its budget. The committee also assesses the Chair's activities in accordance with its set objectives.  


Prof. Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens, Dean, Faculty of Law, Université de Montréal


Director of the Centre de recherche en droit public's representative : (pending nomination; the chairholder being director of the Centre de recherche en droit public)

Chairholder: Prof. Vincent Gautrais

Directorate of Research at Université de Montréal's representative: Me Monique Mercier, Executive Vice-President, Corporate Affairs, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary, TELUS

The Wilson Foundation's representative: Me David G. Masse, Secretary, The Wilson Foundation

Donors' representative: Me Véronique Wattiez-Larose, Partner, McCarthy Tétrault SENCRL

This content has been updated on 22 July 2024 at 18 h 47 min.